Monday, March 9, 2009

How Email Or Instant Messaging Affected Life. (Assignment 3)

The Internet and e-mailing(instant messaging) has affected the world heavily for business, workers, students, teachers, etc, etc for life. A lot of people comment how it is the lifeblood of our life's everyday, and how people were afraid to use it as an everyday way of communicating with buisnesses and cultures that surround them. It yhas becomed so advanced today all around us you can virtually check the internet or your email from basically from anywhere, including cell phones, televisons, personal computers, and every other piece of electronic technology in between. Most people even say having an email is more important than having a phone number because it will always be there. Email is indespendsable and business communications. The future is already here and to stay.

Email and the internet (World Wide Web).


  1. Thanks for your reflections on how email has affected us to date. Were your sources reliable?

  2. Yes my sources were reliable and had a lot of info.
